Machine 2 Machine (M2M) technology is having a revolutionary impact on almost every aspect of the way we live and work. JUMP can help any organisation take advantage of M2M’s capability to transform the way they do business.
Jump supports machine to machine (M2M) devices and contributes to the Internet of Things (IoT), so however you use it, your Jump SIM card will maintain connectivity wherever it is used and will never let you down.
Lone Workers
Smart sim solutions
Machine 2 Machine (M2M) technology is having a revolutionary impact on almost every aspect of the way we live and work.
A blend of existing technologies; M2M takes advantage of the increased sophistication of remote sensors, the growth and reliability of public wireless networks (2G,3G, and now 4G) plus the enhanced ability of software to analyse and act on data. In doing so, M2M can create new opportunities, new ways of doing things, new revenue streams, and in some cases entirely new products, services, and sectors.
M2M is part of a wider development, increasingly called the Internet of Things, in which almost anything – processes, machines, and everyday objects – can automatically exchange and evaluate data, and by doing so create added value.
By delivering data and turning it into actionable real time intelligence, M2M technology can speed up and improve decision making, increase operational efficiency, meet compliance requirements, and make organisations in every sector more agile, responsive, and profitable.
JUMP can help any organisation take advantage of M2M’s capability to transform the way they do business.